Saturday, December 24, 2011

Our Friends From Dallas

We went to Dallas to meet our friends Swecha and Sanvi. They are soo much fun to be around. We played the whole day and in the night we went to Gaylord Texas.

Being holiday season it was festive... We met Ginger Bread and took snaps with him. He invited us to make ginger house. We made beauitful ginger bread home with our friends.

 The ginger bread home was not only beautiful but also yummy to eat.

All goods things come to an end so did our trip.Sanvi and Swecha Promised they will visit us soon

Monday, October 31, 2011


 Halloween is back and this time we were Winni the Pooh !!!. We went for trick or treat with our friends Devika, Nathan and Jason.It was soo much fun walking around with friends and tricking our nieghbours for treats

 We decided to go back home after our Candy basket was full and there was no place to hold the candy's. When we were back home we met our other neighbours who visited our home to Trick or treat.

We also had visit from Betty Aunt and Kim to spend time with us. They are so much fun. Wish we can see them often

Thursday, September 1, 2011

We have a Pet

We wanted a Pet and were thinking of selecting one which will be fun to take care but will not take too much attention of our Mom ( As we need it!!)

So after lots of thought processes we all voted for fish.

Should say having Pet is not only fun but also a responsibility. We have to make sure to feed the fish on time and remind mom to clean the aquarium once it is dirty.

When we grow up we will make more pets... For now we will have fun with our pet Fish.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bye Bye Periamma

It was aweful day as Periamma had to leave to our cousin Archana in Boston. We will miss her but we consoled ourselves as our sister needed her mom as much as we need our mom dad.

also we felt Periamma had done good job training our parents to take care of us well..

Now we can say mom dad are pro and do pretty good job taking care of us.

We will miss Periamma but look forward to seeing her again to have fun as we did this time

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Visit to Sea world


Periamma is fun to be around. Not only does she makes sure we are safe but also makes sure mum dad takes us to fun place.

of many places we went with Periamma the one we enjoyed the most is going to Sea World,

It was awesome... we saw dolphin, and sea Lion . We felt they are so lucky as they can be in water as much time as they want.We obervered how they swam. We wouldn't be able to be in water as much as they do but One we day will will swim like them and have fun in water.

But for now we we indulged ourselves in the splash area. Once we were done.

after fun time at splash area we went to see Elmo movie.. Since the room was dark and there were rules to sit in one place we didn't like ; we asked periamma and are our parents to take us for stroll.

while going for stroll in sea world we took some snaps with perimma. After taking photos we bid good bye to sea world and our dad drew us back to home sweet home.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Our Second Birthday

Since both of us are unique of our kind; our family decided to celebrate our birthday at different time zones.

In Central Time zone

We organized a party by calling our friends , cutting cakes, organizing games so we can have a gala time

In Indian standard time....

My dad’s parents prayed for our well being and making our parents matured enough to understand us and fulfill all our wishes. They also distributed sweets to celebrate the occasion.

My mom's parents spoke to us how we would want to celebrate us and after lots of discussion they decided that they will celebrate the whole of b ‘day week at institutes which takes care of kids and elderly who are forced to be away from their folks or need help to find their true potentials. At these institutes they spend afternoons by offering nice lunch and bestow love which unfortunately they cannot get from their loved ones.

We are proud of our dad’s and my mom’s parents. They can not only love us beyond anyone can think but also have big heart to shower their love to those who need it.

My grandparents told it will be nice if more people can come forward to help the kids needing help. By helping beyond those we immediately love we can create a world which is filled with nothing but JOY.

I’m sure most of the friends we know feel the same way my grandparents feel and I do hope we can partner with our folks and parents to spread JOY!!!!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Periamma to our rescue.

Once we reached Austin after colorful vacation in India our parents decided to send us to playschool so we don't get bored.

The playschool was fun but we were missing family in India. Mom & dad were doing great with us but still wanted just one more person from India with whom we can share our experiences which our parents can't understand. We were talking to parents and sis of our parents but still were longing to have them here in person than in phone.

As the days passed by one day Dad said “come let’s go for a long drive.” We just went along with the idea as it was getting boring anyways. All through the drive mom & dad kept telling wait for the surprise.

Lo - behold once the car stopped we SAW Sudha PERRRIAAMMMA. WE immediately went hugged and kissed her. She was happy to see us as well.

It was then we realized our folks are fine I guess as they do get it what we look for.

It was fun to have Perriamma around. She is such a niceeeeeeee listener. She takes care of us, plays with us and above just sends a nice vibe of security and enforcement that even though the folks are thousands and thousands of miles away we can see them whenever we desire.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fun in Old Madras Road, Bangalore

…. We made trip to see our ayyamma and ayappa. It was fun to spend time with them get pampered and meet nethra akshra.

It was fun messing Athai’s home and see her clean. Again just like perriamma she insisted not to create mess. We decided to do anyways as we wanted to help meet her goals to exercise. Ayappa brought yummy and took us for walk.

Ayyamma made nice mouth watering cuisine from her kitchen exclusively for us.

We bid farewell to them to leave to Vidyaranpura so that they can relax and get re-energized for our next visit to see them.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Visit to my Mama’s office!!!

So I went to see Suresh Mama (One of My mom’s Brother in India) at his work...
I didn't realize until I reached his work that he is a doctor. Since it was too late to revolt and stop from going to his office so I decided to follow my mom to his clinic.

I was wondering why I’m here when I can meet him at home moreover I had no need to see a doctors as I was pretty hail and healthy.

The moment my uncle saw me he greeted and had lots of chocolates placed right next to him. Seeing me he tried being extra nice... he realized i was scared and started telling he is going to pierce ear so I can try different earrings just like my mom. He promised this will be the last time anyone will ever pierce my ear… (I guess he knew I was ear pierced ones which was no good as I couldn’t wear earring/)

I liked the idea of wearing earrings like mom but not the pain I have to undergo with ear piercing sooooooo I started screaming my lungs out and flooded his clinic with tears. Before I knew he had pierced my ears. It didn't pain after all but I resorted to continue crying as he didn't handover all the chocolates which rightfully belonged to me.

After having the chocolate I bid good bye and promised him to see him home and yes promote him by telling everyone who pierced my ears to wear beautiful earring with pain.
I guess having Mama like mine I can have lots of gain with nooooo pain..... he heee heee


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Fun at Vidyaranyapura

Appa Ammama were fun in Austin; but were terrific in India.
Everyday appa took us to temple which had lots of stairs. So every morning we used to go to temple.. pray god and then play by climbing up and down stairs. Then he used to take us to buy yummy yummy and some toys.
After coming home… we used to take short nap until our cousin Soorya anna, Varsha, Shakti, Kaavya, Sreeram and Renuka visited us.
We used to play with them and have lots of fun… Ammama prepared mouth watering Indian pan cakes, varieties of curries and sweet to quench our appetite.
Then in the evening at time we used to hang out in mall or in park.
Sudha Perriamma used to clean our mess and tell us not to throw things around. We used to throw anyways as we thought it will be a good exercise for periiamma ;)
By time we returned our brother Arjun used to return from work and play with us.
Oh ya forgot we also had Akil Anna around to teach is ninetendo and some awesome science projects… it was so fun to be around him. He promised when we visit his home he show lots of other fun stuff.

At time when we wanted to have more fun Anu perriamma used to come with Soorya anna and Vanaja ammama and Rakesh mama so we can have more fun..
By the time it used to night we were too exhausted to think of anything but sleep.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fun with Cousins / Dad in Computer

We were excited in India as we met all our cousins about whom we have been either hearing and seeing in photos..pretty much days were busy playing with folks of our size and getting pampered by adults..everyday we could just walk across street to buy goodies.. no longer was their need to dress up and get tied in car seat...

everything was great but DAD was missing.,,,untill one day when we saw him in computer.. we were excited.. to see him.. we asked him to come out and play.. but realized he can't until he travels in plane like us. He promised until that happens he will chat with us in computer and asked us to have fun...

After seeing dad we were relieved and continued having fun.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bangalore Landing .. (Finally out of plane)

Finally it was time to leave plane and we were in the airport...We were excited .. thinking we will see dad...
but NOOOOOOOO dad was no where.... instead we saw my cousin..and Sudha aunt . From Airport we took a drive to home...thought dad will be there.. but noo we was not be seen anywhere.. also the home was different.... thats when we realized... we are India.. about which we heard often through out our life..

The home was nice and lot of fun things to explore... also had to search for dad.. in the interim..

Flight travel = Traveling in a big car without FUN....
Car Travel (in India) = Traveling with tons of Fun without worries of car seat and belt... We love it..

Monday, January 3, 2011

1st Plane Trip

Hmm all of a sudden ammama appa mummy were packing bags.. we were excited as we love going out.. We started later that day.

We stayed in our favorite Sheraton.. had fun ... running around ..then visited NASA.. After the visit we thought dad was heading to home but NO>>>>

we ended up in Airport(that's what folks called... not sure what it was)
The all of a sudden dad bid good bye and left.. We were confused.. Anyways just be in safer side we kept ammama , appa and mummy in our close vicinity.. (we didn't them to leave as well...) then after waiting in a big room for a while were asked to board.... Didn't know what board meant until we started moving into a passage and then into small room with tons of seats.... mum said that is plane..

Dunno what plane means to adults. For us it was an awful place, where we sat hour together.. wondering why do we have to be here when we have home with big bright hall...

When we asked mom we want to go bye bye.. Mom said we are already out bye bying.